Sunday, April 01, 2012

The National Intelligence Council: Global Water Security (2-2-12)

The disreputable climate change denialists at the Heartland Institute are claiming that the famous water expert Dr. Peter Gleick may be in hot water with the FBI because he scammed the Heartland Institute and exposed Heartland's plans to develop curriculum materials that spread climate change disinformation to school children. Dr. Gleick's area of research is very important for people all over the world.  For example, the National Intelligence Council's latest report is titled Global Water Security (2-2-12), a subject close to Dr. Gleick's heart. See also Dr. Gleick's Water and Terrorism (2006).

In school, science teachers won't be filling students heads with the lies spread by the climate change denying Heartland Institute; instead, teachers will be reading and teaching what Peter Gleick's books and the NIC report say because these documents are written by scientific experts who are trying to keep our people safe, not by political operatives for the fossil fuel industry. The key judgments of the NIC report state:

During the next 10 years, many countries important to the United States will experience water problems—shortages, poor water quality, or floods—that will risk instability and state failure, increase regional tensions, and distract them from working with the United States on important US policy objectives.  Between now and 2040, fresh water availability will not keep up with demand absent more effective management of water resources.  Water problems will hinder the ability of key countries to produce food and generate energy, posing a risk to global food markets and hobbling economic growth.  As a result of demographic and economic development pressures, North Africa, the Middle East, and South Asia will face major challenges coping with water problems.

Dr. Gleick has taken a hit, and I wish he hadn't risked his career and reputation. Scientists should take the high road so the public can trust them, even if the Heartland Institute doesn't; still, Dr. Gleick may have brought down the sleazy operatives  who run the Heartland Institute. If our law enforcement agencies would monitor these sleazebag "charities" better, perhaps great scientists wouldn't be resorting to desperate measures so that ordinary teachers can teach science instead of lies to the kids.

The following intelligence organizations participated in the in the preparation of Global Water Security (p. 16):

The Central Intelligence Agency 
The Defense Intelligence Agency 
The National Security Agency 
The National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency 
The Bureau of Intelligence and Research, Department of State 
The Federal Bureau of Investigation 
Office of Intelligence and Analysis, Department of Homeland Security 
Office of the Director of National Intelligence, National Counterterrorism Center 
Also participating: 
The Office of the Director of National Intelligence, National Counterintelligence Executive  


Blogger Water Enthusiast said...

Very interesting information, I learned a lot reading this. If you'd like to learn more about Advanced Water Security Technologies I'd be happy to invite you to check our website and our blog.


WaterFront Blog:

8:33 AM  
Anonymous gutscheine zum ausdrucken said...

Nützliche Informationen,ich danke Ihnen sehr.

10:11 AM  

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